Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD) Delegation Advocates for Justice and Accountability at ASP23 (ICC)
Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders (CSHRD) Delegation Advocates for Justice and Accountability at ASP23
“Chasing the Stolen Meteorite: Maxamed Dhicisow’s Fight for Ceel Cali’s Lost Heritage”
“Chasing the Stolen Meteorite: Maxamed Dhicisow’s Fight for Ceel Cali’s Lost Heritage”
Cultural Suppression, Land Grabs, and Misuse of Development Funds: The Plight of Somalia’s Minority Communities
Cultural Suppression, Land Grabs, and Misuse of Development Funds: The Plight of Somalia’s Minority Communities.
Somalia: Unjustified Death Penalties in Punland Region
Report on Unjustified Death Penalties in Puntland and Condemnation by the Coalition of Somali Human
Somalia Media Hub Peacebuilding Activities
Somalia Media Hub (established by Agency for Peacebuilding AP in Italy and Horn Afrik News
Soomaaliya: Nabada iyo Nabadeynta
Nabada iyo Nabadeynta Waa Aasaaska Nolosha iyo Noolaashaha Bulshooyinka.
Somalia: El Ali Meteorite in the Light of History and Culture
Background El Ali District is situated in Hiiraan region, Somalia and it is inhabited by
Somalia: Grave Violations Against Children
Introduction & Methodology (This report is based on collected data by Somali human rights defenders
Somalia: Interview With the Family of a Slain Child Soldier
Interview With the Brother of Al-shabab recruited Child Soldier from Switzerland. Horn Afrik News Agency
The Situation Women Human rights Defenders WHRDs / Human Rights Defenders at Risk in Somalia.
WHRDs / HRDs in Somalia are the least connected human rights activists in the world
Press Release: Somalia’s El Ali District Indigenous Community Leaders Call for Canada, USA & China to Return their Meteorite
In a press release, El Ali Indigenous leaders make An Urgent International Call for Canada,
Somalia: HANAHR Participates in the Model Guide and Guidelines for the Protection of Women Human Rights Defenders in Africa Validation Meeting 6th September, 2022
In Somalia Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are exposed to gender-based violence due to the
JOINT ALTERNATIVE REPORT – Somalia: Patterns of unlawful killings, torture and other ill-treatment
Submitted in application to Article 19 of the UN Committee Against Torture and Cruel
Somalia: Policy Paper Addressed to the Head of Somalia-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Responding on international level: A multilateral approach to tackling disinformation.
Training Journalists – Photo Courtesy @CSHRD Introduction: Disinformation is false and harmful information spread deliberately
Somalia: Forgotten Victims of Torture
What happens to the victims of torture in Somalia ? Somalia is a country of
Somalia: Charcoal Business Is the Main Cause of Deforestation
Charcoal illicit export business in Somalia is the main cause of deforestation in a country
Somalia: Confirmed Reports of Systematic Killings in Gedo Region.
Reports comings from Diif village in in lower juba region of Somalia confirmed by multiple

Somalia: (27 April, 2021) – Jubaland Police Brutality v. HRDs/WHRDs
Jubaland, Somalia is formed from the lower juba region, middle juba region and Gedo region

Somalia: Launching Ceremony of the National Disability Agency.
13 July, 2021 – Somalia: The Ministry of Women & Human Rights Development launches the

Kismayo: Extra-judicial and Summery killings Revealed
Kismayo is the temporary capital of Juba + Land region of Somalia. Juba is run

Somalia: Women Candidates for the New Parliament Complain.
Somalia is in the process of electing its new upper house new members and the

Somalia: Resilience of Somali Human Rights Defenders in the Face of Threats.
With the support of the Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC) and the full assistance of

Mogadishu: Breaking News ! The Renown Journalist (Abdiaziz Africa) is Assassinated by a Suicide Bomber.
The renown investigative broadcaster and the incumbent Radio Mogadishu director (Abdiaziz M. aka Africa) is
Somalia: – (April 11, 2021)- Kismayo Becomes the Worst City to be Woman Human Rights Defender (WHRD).
Since 2020 many WHRDs were evacuated or relocated from kismayo and Fartun & her daughter
Somalia: Leadership Award for WHRD.
Rarely women human rights defenders get attention for their advocacy for women human rights in
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE Death penalty 2020: Botswana, Somalia and South Sudan continue to dominate with executions in East and Southern Africa.
21 APRIL 2021 Botswana doubles the number of yearly executionsChina pursued the death penalty to
Somalia: HRDs Face Tough Challenges.
Somalia: HRDs in Somalia face multiple challenges including serious threats, targeted killing, arbitrary arrests, as
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE Sub-Saharan Africa: The devastating impact of conflicts compounded by COVID-19.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONALPRESS RELEASESub-Saharan Africa: The devastating impact of conflicts compounded by COVID-19 Sub-Saharan Africa:
Somalia -(23.02.2021)-: Al-shabab’s Rampage Against Marginalized Communities in Lowe Shabelle Region..
Somalia – Witnesses & survivors of alshabab’s merciless terrorists’ rampant attack on the following districts
Geneva – (05.02.2021): Interview with Mary Lawlor, the current UN Special Rapporteur on HRDs.
Horn Afrik News Agency for Human Rights HANAHR online editor (I. Adam) has interviewed Mary
Somalia: Media Infrastructure
Media InfrastructureIn SomaliaPrepared by: I. Adam & Sh. Abdirahman Horn Afrik News Agency for Human
12.5.2018 – Libya Migrant Crisis: Impunity for Human Traffickers in the EU
2011 witnessed the begining of the popualr Arab spring which led to the death of
Somalia (Puntland region): Journalist Kilwe Adan Farah detained, accused of murder.
Mogadishu, January 20, 2021 – Authorities in the semi-autonomous Somali state of Puntland should immediately
Somalia: 2020 events by Human Rights Watch
Please read the report in this link :

Press Release: Somalia – HANAHR relocates a women human rights defender with the full support of Urgent Action Fund Africa. August 27, 2020 10:00 AM EAT
omalia – HANAHR relocates a women human rights defender with the full support of Urgen
A U.S. AIRSTRIKE targeting al-Shabab militants in Somalia last week killed a child and an elderly man,

Covid-19 v. Press Freedom – RSF launches Tracker 19 to track Covid-19’s impact on press freedom
RSF launches Tracker 19 to track Covid-19’s impact on press freedom Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Human Right News
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