HANAHR & University Human Rights Network Sign MOU on 14th July, 2020 to strengthen human rights
advocacy in the horn of africa region and beyond.
University Human Rights Network- USA

The University Network for Human Rights facilitates supervised undergraduate engagement in the practice of human rights at colleges and universities in the United States and across the globe. The University Network partners with advocacy organizations and communities affected or threatened by abusive state, corporate, or private conduct to advance human rights at home and abroad; the university trains undergraduate students in interdisciplinary human rights protection and advocacy; and collaborates with academics and human rights practitioners in other parts of the world to foster the creation of practical, interdisciplinary programs in human rights. HANAHR is delighted to form such strategic partnership with the university human rights network to strengthen human rights advocacy in consistent with the universal human rights declaration to promote, defend and advocate for human rights in the HOA region and beyond.
I. Adam
HANAHR – Horn of Africa region