Kismayo is the temporary capital of Juba + Land region of Somalia. Juba is run by the veteran warlord and the Amir of Raskamboni Alshabab Brigade aka Sheihk Ahmed Islaam Ahmed Madoobe. The took control of Kismayo in 2011 with the support of the kenyan defense force KDF and rules the region till today with no hope for to step aside any time sooner with his mandate as a governor coming to an end in Augsust 2021.
Why the Sheikh wants to stay in power for so long ?
The last standing and most feared Somali warlord (Sheikh Ahmed Madobe)
That question why the Sheikh wants to stay in power for so long has many reasonable answers:
he wants to establish his own monarchy where there is only his clan in control of the whole
he wants wants displace all other clans indigenous to that area and replace them with his clan
he wants to make himself the richest by taking the money generated from the ports and from the international donor support To realize his dream, the Sheikh must determine to kill everyone perceived to be a thorn in the throat or a barrier that prevents him from achieving his goals and objectives and this this is why the Sheikh commits extra-judicial and summery killings and extradites his opponents and dissidents in order to intimadte people and force them evacuate and leave their own land behind.
The international humanitarian and development aid that reaches kismayo only benefits the Sheikh and his clan who run everything thing in kismayo from MCH to big stores etc. this shows the severity of the situation and the immense menace that is facing ordinary people are living in kismayo without protection as they don’t belong to the Sheikh’s clan.
The officers from Ahmed Maddobe’s clan who involved in the extra-judicial and summery killings.
1-khaliib Sheikh Abdulaahi –the head Jubbaland intelligence agency, tribe from (Ogaden )
2-Abdirizaq Omar Foolbir-the deputy of security agency of Jubbaland Tribe (Ogaden).
3-Tamaan Dayib Abdi- Abandulaha Head of Security apparatus. From (Ogaden clan)
4-Ahmed Welli Olaad- head of secret service (cidanka).(Ogaden).
5-Sadik Mohamed Dhogar head of kismayo airport security..(Ogaden).
6-Mohamed Nasir – head of jubaland so called police – (Ogaden)
7-Adam Gojar-head of the Darwish force (Ogaden)
8-Ahmed Omar Sahid Niniile-Abandulaha Head of the so – called Darawish force (Ogaden)
9-Hassan Mohamed Iraqi- Head of danab force in kismayo (Ogaden)
10-Mohamed Yaxbul- Head of the republican guard at the presidential palace (Ogaden)
11-Abdirashid Gooni – lower juba region precap.
12-MOHAMED timajilac- Kismayo district mayor (Og.).
People who were killed in Kismayo by Ahmed’s Raskaboni Malitia The total number killed, injured, raped and forced disappearances by Raskabooni Militia loyal to Ahmed Madoobe are;
Total death-961
raped females-91
missed persons-11
internal Displaced people from kismayo 4000 (in Mogadishu)
outside Somalia fled people-800.
Assassinated figures by Raskamboni militias with specified date of the crime
1. Cabdullahi C/salaan ” Shig-shigow” Manager Amal Bank, killed on 26/10/2020. 12:20 AM.Kismaayo
2. Fardowso Aadan Guure. (woman) killed on 18/11/2020. 1:000 PM. Kismaayo
3. Muxumad Maxamad Nuur ” Gacmadheere” killed on 18/11/2020. 11:000 AM.Kismaayo
4. Cawil Cali barre, killed on 24/01/2021. 19:00 PM.Kismaayo
5. Abdikafi Hassan Abdille Ali Kaar, killed on 09/02/2021. 3:00 PM. Kismaayo.
6. Aadan Baasay, killed on 10/02/2021. Afmadow.
7. Cali Ismaaciil Buulle, ” Food” killed on 17/02/2021. Kismaayo.
Assassinated senior community figures by the raskamboni militias without specification of the crime
1-Rashiid Dhure Omar (the Sultan of Galjecel)
2-Moamed Buulle – Traditional clan leader
3-Sahra Abdi Osman –midwife
4-Rashiid Ali Somali – Teacher.
5-Arfaay Mohamed Alasow- Business man
6-faduma caalin xareed – Farmer
The land grabbing by Ahmed Madoobe Administration
The Sheikh is also grabbing land forcefully from people are originally from kismayo and giving the grabbed land to his clan for instance goobweyn, Yoontoy, and other villages in side and outside kismayo are being grabbed and given to people from the Sheikh’s own clan who arrive in kismayo from ethiopia on daily basis only to start new life in a house and on land grabbed from marginalized groups in kismayo. Communities who are originally from kismayo don’t have meaningful political representation or don’t have it at all while people arriving from Ethiopia and other parts of the region are given more political rights than they are entitled to.
We recommend the international stakeholders to take immediate action to sanction Ahmed Madoobe’s administration and to send a fact – finding mission that includes independent human rights observers… in order to avert from any manipulations by Madoobe’s administration.
By – Hanahr