About Us

Horn Afrik News Agency for Human Rights (HANAHR) was established in late 2011 to combine media work & human rights advocacy for effective defense and protection of human rights for women, girls, marginalized & minority groups, as necessity is the mother of invention and the dire need to unify and amplify human rights voices in the horn of africa region and beyond.

HANAHR is founded by award winning (indigenous) Woman Human rights defenders WHRDs / Human RightsDefenders HRDs (WHRDs/HRDs) e.g. lawyers, journalists and human rights activists in horn of Africa region whose purpose is to better advocate and defend human rights for vulnerable groups e.g. women, girls, children, marginalized and minority groups.

We are a non-governmental and non-profit organization, and a joint network for WHRDs/HRDs in the Horn of Africa HOA region.

Our Vision

Empowering women, defending and advancing human rights for all. Fostering a community that cherishes human rights culture as own principle and the rule of law, and working towards peace and stability in the region, in order to bring a positive change in the horn of Africa (HOA) region and beyond.

Our Mission

  • HANAHR Empowers & gives voice to women, promotes, defends & advocates for Human Rights of women, girls, marginalized & minority groups, thereby, working with relevant stakeholders to promote, protect, observe and advocate for human rights through the rule of law.
  • HANAHR standsby WHRDs/HRDs.
  • HANAHR is committed to document and expose human rights violations in the HOA region and beyond.
  • HANAHR monitors and raises awareness on issues regarding human rights e.g. injustice inflicted on the general public and WHRDs/HRDs.
  • HANAHR spreads human rights education, empowers women and girls

Our Core Values

  1. Inclusion: Creating an environment of dignity and respect for all.
  2. Integrity: Acting ethically and upholding Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR.
  3. Humility: Demonstrating self-awareness and willingness to learn.
  4. Humanity: Acting for human rights, peace, dignity, and equality on a humanely planet with the following core values below:
  • Transparency & Integrity.
  • Objectivity.
  • Responsibility & Accountability.
  • Practicing Human Rights Culture.
  • Neutrality and Fairness.
  • Exercising Professional & Ethical Code of   Conduct.
  • Commitment to Justice, Dignity, Equality and Solicitude.
  • Zero tolerance to discrimination
  • Zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation and abuse by all staff, volunteers and consultants, partners, beneficiaries and community members.


We work with local, regional and international non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations/institutions and all human rights stakeholders.